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Zahra Siyaad Naaleeye waxay ka hadashay tacadiyada ka dhanka dumarka Soomaaliyeed iyo kaalinta ay ku yeelan karaan doorashooyinka dalka. https://youtu.be/iAohdSW4ADY

Zahra: we fight against the female circumcision

Interview with Zahra Naleie, FSAN senior project manager for gender on her campaign in ending the practice of FGM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=elO0MPKNoNA

Zahra Naleie won The Netherlands Royal Prize

On April 26 in 2021 Zahra S. Naleie, , FSAN senior project manager for gender, was presented with the award given by the Kingdom...

Risicogemeenschappen willen praten over vrouwelijke genitale verminking

Professionals werkzaam in preventie, medische zorg en veiligheidszorg hebben te weinig kennis op het gebied van vrouwelijke genitale verminking (VGV). Ook kennen zij relevante...

The role of the diaspora in eliminating female genital mutilation (FGM)

Female genital mutilation (FGM) remains a prevalent issue in many Somali communities worldwide, affecting a significant number of girls and women. According to reports,...

Zwolle hosts Zero Tolerance Day conference 6 February 2023  

A meeting on Zero Tolerance Day (ZTD), has been held in Zwolle, the capital city of Overijssel province in Northeast Netherlands on 6 February...

Somalia Humanitarian crisis

As Somalia enters 2023, the humanitarian situation continues to deteriorate. The severe drought, hunger, disease and violence merge to bring Somalia to the brink...

Risicogemeenschappen willen praten over vrouwelijke genitale verminking

Professionals werkzaam in preventie, medische zorg en veiligheidszorg hebben te weinig kennis op het gebied van vrouwelijke genitale verminking (VGV). Ook kennen zij relevante...

International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation

Rooted in gender inequality, female genital mutilation limits opportunities for women and girls around the world to exercise their rights and realize their potential....

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